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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's been a good day...

6:30 pm... This is the time of day when everything starts winding down. Daddy is gone again tonight, in Tennessee, I pray that he gets a job closer to home, I know he has to work but it gets pretty lonely down here in the country when he isn't here. You know, when I had to go to the hospital, he was right by my side, actually every time I have had to go to the hospital, which is 4 times now since we have been married. This last time, however he didn't get there for a bit and I was so stressed out. I knew that once he got there I would be okay because he always stayed right with me and asks all the right questions. Anyhow, I miss him when he isn't home and so do the kids.
I talked with Pam today, her mother had to go to the ER, that is so scary so I pray for her very quick recovery and for Pam as she travels to see her. We got the newspaper today and saw Granny's obituary, Jessi was so upset. It is like a bad dream, though. We passed her house and it just doesn't seem real yet that she isn't there.
I have worked today on photos, I have felt pretty good today, I still don't feel 100% but I know that I am getting stronger everyday, I can feel it. I am so grateful to The Lord for restoring me and helping me to feel well. I cannot even begin to tell you how terrible I felt the day that I got out of the hospital this last time. It was the Saturday of the Pie Supper in Provo and I wanted to go so bad. Before we left the hospital, the nurse gave me two medications in my IV and they didn't kick in on me until about thirty minutes after we were discharged. Man!!!!! It was rough! Chris stopped by Kroger to get some stuff and I couldn't even get out of the car. When we finally did get home which seemed like the longest drive ever, I took a hot shower and got in bed. For the next five hours, I lay in the bed with the 'jitters' (which is a pitiful word for what I actually had) and could not sleep at all. Every time I got into a comfortable position, my whole body would tense up and my chest would hurt. FIVE HOURS!!!!! I lay there in the bed listening to Chris watching TV in the next room and listening to Jessi and him talk about going to the pie supper. I couldn't do anything, I just laid there, I think at one point, I did cry but I was so out of it that I don't remember. The one thing I remember that I did do is that I prayed A LOT!!!! And I asked the Lord to help me get strong and after I was advised that I could take an Ambien, I fell asleep. Praise the Lord, I fell asleep! When I woke up at 6 am that is when I did some serious praying. I asked the Lord to please help me because I needed to be able to keep up with my gang and be well and like I said in my first post, He did. He answered me and I told Him that if He would help me I would do whatever He wanted me to do, and so I am trying to keep my word. I have decided to not take anymore Ambien because, well, they are bad news, at least they are for me and I have given up a lot of other things that were EXTREMELY bad for me, and I feel so thankful. I guess that is really what this whole blog is about. It's not really about what I do everyday or whatever, it is about How the Lord is moving each day and keeping me healthy and strong and how grateful I am to Him for that. So it may get a little boring to some but I feel like it is something that I have to do. I take things for granted a lot in my life and maybe this is a way for me to stop and reflect each day about Him and about the things that are really important. Like for instance being well enough to give Jack a warm bubble bath and watch cartoons until we fall asleep. That is something very important... more than sitting on the computer any longer today, so goodnight everyone. Sorry Daddy, but you aren't home so Jack is my buddy tonight.

1 comment:

chumly said...

Sometimes writing a bit is a good thing. Just keep those little flowers handy when you get them too.

About Me

Christian, Wife, Mom...